Mumbaikar to welcome smoking ban wholeheartedly

The four-city survey conducted, between August 9 and 24, by Healis Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health found that 92% of those surveyed were in favour of smoke-free India. In Mumbai, 96% of the respondents supported the legislation. 
When the ban on smoking at work and public places comes into effect on October 2, there won't be any protests here. The city's residents, along with those in Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai, have voted in a survey to indicate that they are overwhelmingly in favour of the Centre's plan to introduce smoke-free zones. 
"People have clearly stated that they are against smoking in all public places and workplaces, including restaurants and bars," said Dr P C Gupta at a press conference on Thursday. The survey also found that Indians viewed second-hand smoke as a health risk. "Nine out of ten surveyed knew that exposure to second-hand smoke is a serious (84%) or moderate (14%) health hazard for the non-smoker," he added. 

Health experts are enthused with the survey's findings, given the fact that support for anti-smoking measures has only increased in cities\countries that banned smoking a few years ago. "When California banned smoking in 1998, overall community approval for the move was 65.2%. Two years later, the rate of approval had increased to 72.6%," said Dr S Shastri, head of preventive oncology at Tata Memorial Hospital, quoting a study published in the Journal of Public Health. 

Asked if the legislation would be successful, Dr Gupta said, "There is overall support for the notification. Moreover, the Centre is launching a public campaign. Each city has a local programme targeting schools, workplaces, etc."

source: Times of India


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